5 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love With You

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Just like with all my dating and relationship advice, some of these tips on how to make a man fall in love with you may work better for you than others.

You know yourself and what comes naturally, so apply the tips that make the most sense.

1. Make Him Feel Needed (But Don’t Be Needy)

Look, I know you’re an independent woman that doesn’t need a man. Chalk it up to our evolutionary past of being the provider and protector in the relationship.

Sure, you can kill your own spiders and change your own tire, but that doesn’t mean you have to.

If you’ve been single for a while and have become accustomed to doing everything that needs doing, this may take a little practice and letting go, but the next time you have something that you know your man would excel at, ask for help.

That’s all. Just ask for help.

Not only will you give him purpose (after all, he’s trying to win your heart too, so doing something for you is huge), but you’ll also see how nice it is to lean on someone else, to rely on him to help you. It takes the load off of you for sure.

2. Let Him Miss You

I know if you’re falling for this guy, you want to spend every waking moment with him. And maybe he wants that too. But let’s ease into that 24/7 type of relationship, shall we? Or better yet…never get to it.

Having time apart is healthy for couples. It gives you each time to do things on your own or spend time with friends (don’t be that chick who abandons her friends whenever she’s in a relationship).

It gives you something to talk about when you are together. Having time apart provides balance in the relationship, and it gives you both the opportunity to miss one another.

When he misses you, he thinks about you. He thinks about his feelings for you. All good things!

3. Compliment Him…Only if He Deserves It

Okay, to be clear, I am not suggesting you kiss this guy’s ass all the time.

“Oh Bobby! That shirt looks amaaazing on you.”

“Oh Bobby! You’re so strong!”

“Oh Bobby! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

Not what we’re going for. What I do want you to do is be free with the compliments.

If you’re thinking in your head that he looks hot in that shirt, tell him! I’m not sure why it is, but most of us don’t compliment other people far enough, even when we’re thinking complimentary things.

Why wouldn’t you want to make the guy you care so much about feel that great? So whenever something positive sprouts up in your brain about how he looks, something witty he says, or something he’s done, let him know you appreciate it.

4. Let Your True Nature Shine

I’ve heard some so-called dating gurus tell women to dumb down their intellect or put a damper on their exuberant personalities.

This is utter crap. If you do that, then the guy has one impression of who you are that is entirely inaccurate.

Once you get to know each other and you start being real, he might be thrown off when he discovers that, whoa, you’re actually intelligent or opinionated.

That’s right. No need to pretend your IQ isn’t off the charts, or that you’re not a control freak.

Let your control or otherwise freak flag fly. That way, he knows exactly what he’s getting into from the start. If he’s into it? Great. He’ll be that much more likely to fall in love with you.

5. Admire His Masculinity

Just like men like to be needed, they also like it when you admire how masculine they are.

But again, I’m not saying you need to squeeze his muscles and faint every time you see him!

Masculinity isn’t just about testosterone and muscles. It’s about treating people well, being chivalrous, and acting with honor. Like the Norman Mailer quote above says.

It’s being a good partner. So whatever it means to you, let him know that you admire these qualities.

If nothing else, it will start an interesting dialogue on what it means to be a man in this day and age.

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