MY TESTIMONY: The Pastor J. P. Ndukwe

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Factor By Don Peter Okoro.

I feel really obligated to share this Testimony, if not for anything, but to encourage someone out there.

My name is Don Peter Okoro, popularly known as Don Peters. I am a known Journalist in Nnewi, Anambra State. My Testimony has to do with how God used His Servant, Pastor J.P. Ndukwe, Chief Servant House On The Rock Nnewi, to change me from a habitual and chronic Sinner, to the Transformed man that I am today.

It will be the height of ingratitude, if as a Journalist, I do not pen down this experience. The first time I came to House On The Rock Nnewi was the first week of April 2018.

They had a program and I saw the Billboard at Nkwo Nnewi Roundabout. (Though I have encountered the General Overseer, Pastor Paul Adefarasin in Lagos on two different occasions around 1998; one, during Pastor Jite Obahor’s inaugural Church Service somewhere along Oregun Rd. Ikeja Lagos and secondly at TREM Headquarters, during Dr. Morris Cerrulo’s School of Ministry Conference, where Pastor Paul and myself discussed extensively on a particular issue which is not relevant here.) So, back to House On The Rock Nnewi. I came to the Church broke, bursted, disgusted and totally confused about life.

Though I was a Journalist making a lot of money from Private Practice (PP). I was very reckless, careless and carefree with my life. I was just catching fun and cruising life. I was driving one black Japanese car called NISSAN PRIMERA which I later sold and gave all the money without removing a single kobo to Pastor Mike Osilama the Nnewi Branch Pastor of Omega Fire Ministry ( OFM).This I did out of my own personal volition.

The Pastor did not preach or manipulate me into selling my car. Less than 3 months after that, my Politician Friend, Hon.Chuka Sunnyside Okafor CEO Ochi International Hotel Amichi Nnewi South LGA who contested as the SDP Candidate for House of Representatives in the last election gave me a NISSAN QUEST GLX JEEP, which I couldn’t really enjoy because it was too bogus and expensive to maintain.

So, I sold it off and invested the money. I used to drink myself to stupor, smoked cigarettes like it was going out of fashion and fornicated with reckless abandon.

In fact, there was no weekend that you won’t find me in one Nite Club or the other. I used to smoke Indian Hemp when I was in Lagos, but on coming to Nnewi, I couldn’t find where to buy marijuana.

That was my lifestyle before I came to House On The Rock Nnewi. Interestingly, I didn’t see anything wrong with what I was doing because most of my friends and colleagues were also doing the samething and we used to crack all kinds of immoral and silly jokes.

I didn’t even know that it is possible to live in this life without engaging in such amorous and promiscuous lifestyle.

I thought life would be too dull and boring without excessive gyration. As soon as I entered House On The Rock Church Nnewi the first thing that struck me was the handsomeness of the Pastor, the peaceful and beautiful countenance of his amiable wife, Pastor Mrs Nkechi Ndukwe, and of course, the excellent and sophisticated ambience of the environment and atmosphere.

I fell in love with them “instanta.” As I began to listen attentively to the Pastor’s Teachings, I found out that his Teachings resonated very well with me. He seemed to have conquered most, if not all, of the things I was battling and struggling with, especially fornication and adultery.

Most of his anecdotes were my actual realities. There is something he said that blew my mind. I will paraphrase it. He said something to the effect that he doesn’t have a side chick and that since he married his wife he has never cheated on her, and that he married his wife a University Graduate a Virgin. I said: What??!! In this 21st Century? There and then I decided that I must follow him in order to tap from the secret of his holy and righteous lifestyle, because, that was where I was having real issues.

Along the line, I got to know that it was possible to get the Pastor’s past and present Messages. So I got in touch with Sister Miracle, one the Assistant Pastors’ wife and asked her to download the Messages for me.

She downloaded over 50 powerful Messages into my phone and like a bone dry sponge in hot water, I began to devour the Messages like a hungry Lion. Soon, I was immersed soaked and saturated, Spirit, Body and Soul in his Messages. Every night by12 midnight, something would wake me up and tell me to go and start listening to the Messages.

For over three years, I was just listening to the Messages and doing Prayers from 12 midnight to 3:00am every night including Saturdays and Sundays.

Surprisingly, within just 3 months of listening to the Messages and doing Prayers, every appetite for sin, no matter how small or big died a natural death. In none of those Messages did Pastor J.P. mentioned sin, like the ones I was involved in.

What he did was to elevate my mind from those things and make me feel like they were silly things which no reasonable and responsible man should involve in.

He just made me to hate iniquity. He made me to focus my attention on the Love of God which constrained me to Love Him and to live for Him.

Then another realization which the Pastor brought to my life was when he made me to understand that I am a Child of God. It’s mind blowing!!! It’s exhilarating!!! It’s ecstatic!!!That realisation gave me a “High” which no intoxicant could give. Moreover, the Pastor made me to understand that I am a BORN AGAIN Christian, as such, I should not behave like other ordinary human beings.

Having come to this consciousness, I started minding the way I did things, the way I spoke and the places I went to. To validate the authenticity of his Teachings, things started working in my favour.

My luck changed from bad to good. I started believing God for both little things and big things. I used to think that with over 6 Billion people to contend with on planet earth, including Presidents of Nations and Kings of different Kingdoms in the world, God would be too busy for somebody like me.

I happen to be the last son of my parent’s 6 hefty men and the Enfant terrible of the family. But Pastor J.P. made me to understand that I’m very important to God.

That God has a divine plan for my life. Today, by the grace of God and with due modesty, I’m no longer the regular Journalist. I’m now a Media Consultant, Editor In Chief of a Glossy 76 Page Full Coloured Separated News– Magazine being published In collaboration with the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

By His Grace, I’m now a Nationally acclaimed Blogger involved with two functioning Blogs on the Internet. By His Grace, I’m now the Consultant to Vintage Newspapers where I was the Editor for over 8 years and to crown it all, I am presently the Chairman/ Chief Executive Officer of an Online Television/ Media Network Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

As at the time I came to House On The Rock Church Nnewi, my marriage was in complete shambles. In fact we were already separated, living apart and heading towards divorce But the Teachings of Pastor J.P. reconfigured my reasoning faculties and today, we are back together in love and living happily. God has blessed us with 4 Good and Godly Children, all doing very well in school.

My long-suffering, humble, beautiful and hard-working wife is an Employee of Chicason Group of Companies. I now live well and travel to Abuja and Asaba on a regular basis for Business and Political engagements.

I am giving this Testimony to the glory of God. Even though I’m no longer regular in House On The Rock Church Nnewi, I must put it on record that it is the sound and solid spiritual foundation that Pastor J.P. Ndukwe laid in my life that is now being built upon. May God continue to bless Pastor J.P. Ndukwe in Jesus name. Don Peter Okoro Can Be Reached Via WhatsApp on 0803 138 6142 Or Facebook: Don Peter Okoro

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