6 Famous Tribes In Africa and The Countries They Live In

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The African continent has 54 countries and around 1.3 billion people. There are also more than 3,000 tribes, each with their dialect and culture. Here are 6 tribes that stand out in the continent.

1. Zulu of South Africa

It is one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. They embrace traditional practices like dancing with uncovered chests which unite them. Men wear wrappers while women wear breaded ones.

2. Karo of Ethiopia

They live in Omo Valley in the southern part of the country. They are masters of body art and painting and mostly use ashes. They practice ritual scarification, choosing scars to identify them and it is symbol unity and the act of bravery. Ashes are added to make the cutting swell to create patterns. Milk, blood and meat are the main sources of food to them.

3. Himba of Namibia

Are semi-nomadic and live in the harsh desert of Namib. They colour their skin using a mixture of red ochre, animal fat and butter that make the skin bright red.

A permanent fire at the centre of each village is lit to help in communicating with their god. It is maintained by a representative from each household.

4. Tuareg of Sahara

They migrate between Niger, Mali, Libya and Algeria due to their nomadic nature. This tribe depend on livestock typically camels, goats and cows for livelihood. Islam is their main religion though they practice traditional cultures which include wearing the veil on the head of men when they reach the age of 25.

5. Kalenjin of Kenya

Kalenjin are well-known in the world due to their bravery and culture. It is known to produce famous marathoners and national leaders who rule the country for many years. Their traditional food is millet, milk and sorghum.

6. Yoruba of Nigeria

They have a rich history of cultural heritage and their culture spread beyond borders. It also has a high birth rate of twins than any other tribe in the world.

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