See The Meaning Of The Dark Spot On Muslims Forehead 

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Do you know the meaning of the dark spot on some Muslim foreheads? No right, well let’s talk about it.

Many people are in search for the meaning of the black spot on some Muslims Foreheads. Most Christians even wonder how it do got there and they don’t usually joke around those Muslims with the black spot because they believe we’re pious. I also have the black spot but it doesn’t mean I’m the most Pious Muslim on earth.

But on this article, I’m going to reveal what it means as some of our Muslim brothers and sisters don’t even know it. No offence.

The dark spot on Muslim foreheads is called Zebibah, in English, it’s called the prayer bump.

It appears on some Muslim’s forehead due to the frequent contact with the floor placing the forehead on the mat while observing the five compulsory daily prayers. It’s of the societal belief that it’s for devout Muslims.

A Muslim is required to pray five times daily which involves placing your forehead on a mat or hard surface and if done consecutively for long a long period of time then something called callus would form on the forehead which means Zebibah (prayer bump).

Some Muslims believe that this black spot on the day of judgment would illuminate and become bright like a light.

Muslims develop prayer marks on the skin due to the practice of praying for long periods. It’s also called them the Naamaj sign.

In the Muslim religion, praying requires four different positions, namely Waquf (standing), Ruku (bowing), Sajda (prostration), and Julus (sitting).

The resulting prayer marks are mainly distributed on the forehead, elbows, knees, and ankles. In one reported case, the spot was on the nasal bridge.

During Sajda, the forehead repeatedly comes into contact with the ground (especially with the prayer rug). These repeated and long periods of friction leads to skin changes such as thickening, hyperpigmentation, and lichenification.

However, Muslims should take precautions because a Prayer bump is not to show off, if it later becomes a show-off, then you must take a precautionary act to stop it from forming as your prayers maybe deem void with the intention for trying to get the prayer bump for show off. May Allah Accept our prayers.

Therefore, showing off should not be the reason for deliberately creating a prayer bump.

That’s the meaning and what you should know about the dark spot on a Muslim forehead.

May Almighty Allah make it easy for all of us and counts us among the pious, Ameen!

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