Foods you should stay away from if you are trying to get pregnant.

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Food provides our bodies with the energy they need to survive and develop.

Therefore, it is not surprising that nutrition has an impact on fertility and pregnancy chances. So what foods should be avoided when attempting to get pregnant?

Several meals are reportedly considered to be bad for fertility, according to WebMD.

Some foods may make it more challenging to become pregnant or even raise your risk of contracting certain illnesses while carrying a child.

So, when attempting to get pregnant, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your nutrition.

When attempting to get pregnant, it is advised to minimise or completely avoid these 6 meals to ensure the highest chance of conception.

1. High caffeine intake:

According to WebMD, research suggests that caffeine reduces fertility.

Significant caffeine consumption may lower the chance of getting pregnant. Energy drinks, some sodas, coffee, tea, cocoa, and chocolate all contain caffeine.

The best course of action is to convert to decaf or limit your daily consumption of caffeinated beverages to one or two.

2. Alcohol:

Drinking alcohol can alter hormones and decrease fertility. Alcohol is known to negatively affect the development of a pregnant woman’s unborn child.

As a result, it is advised to refrain from drinking at all costs while trying to conceive.

4. Processed meats:

Consuming bacon, hot dogs, lunch meats, and other processed meats can be detrimental to fertility.

This is because they frequently include high levels of saturated fat and sodium.

While eating a lot of saturated fats can lower fertility, eating a lot of sodium can increase blood pressure.

5. Refined carbs:

White bread and sugar are two examples of refined carbs that may be harmful to fertility.

The rapid digestion of refined carbohydrates can result in an abnormally high insulin level in the body.

An excessive diet of refined carbohydrates can result in insulin resistance, which reduces fertility and raises the chance of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

6. Additionally, fish with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to improved fertility, are good sources of mercury-free protein.

However, some seafood with a high mercury content, such as swordfish and tuna, may have a deleterious impact on fertility.

When attempting to get pregnant, it is best to avoid eating these kinds of fish for your safety.

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