Anambra Monarch Faces Backlash as Court Nullifies Town Union Caretaker Committee

Anambra Monarch Faces Backlash as Court Nullifies Town Union Caretaker Committee

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The recent High Court ruling on January 30, 2024, has plunged Nawfia community in Anambra State into a state of uncertainty, as the traditional ruler, His Royal Highness Igwe Daniel Ogochukwu Obelle, may potentially lose his throne. The court declared the election conducted by the Nawfia Progressive Union, which brought Igwe Obelle into office, null and void.

In its verdict, the court also imposed a N5 million fine in favor of the Sir Nathan Enemuo-led executives of the Nawfia Progressive Union. The court ruled that Nathan Enemuo’s tenure as President-General, allegedly terminated prematurely by opposition factions within the community, had not yet expired. Consequently, the court ordered Enemuo’s reinstatement and the continuation of his duties as the PG of Nawfia community.

While Igwe Daniel Ogochukwu Obelle dismissed the significance of the High Court’s decision, asserting their intent to appeal the verdict and proceed to the Supreme Court if necessary, Nathan Enemuo declared the traditional ruler’s ousting, deeming the election that installed him as null and void per the court’s ruling.

In response, Obelle emphasized that Nawfia would have descended into chaos if not for the government’s intervention to safeguard lives and property. He cited the antisocial and violent activities allegedly perpetrated by the Nawfia Progressive Union under Enemuo’s leadership, which posed a threat to the community’s stability and security.

Furthermore, Enemuo contested that he had not received any official communication from the state government confirming the dissolution of his administration and the installation of a caretaker committee. He maintained that he sought legal recourse in 2022 to reclaim his position and was vindicated by the recent court ruling, which favored the Nawfia Progressive Union.

Enemuo recounted instances of disruption by opposition groups during their meetings, highlighting their refusal to comply with the court order reinstating him as President-General. He asserted that their priority was upholding the rule of law and securing justice through the legal process.

Additionally, Dr. S.C Moguluwa, an indigene of the community, emphasized the importance of adhering to the court’s decision, likening the situation to past political disputes in Anambra State. He underscored the need for obedience to the law while pursuing legal recourse through the appeals process.

In light of the court’s ruling, the future of Nawfia community remains uncertain, with tensions escalating between opposing factions and the fate of the traditional ruler hanging in the balance.

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