Upon swearing-in, BARR. HERO OMWIRHIREN will be emerging as the first Lawyer to represent Okpe Constituency at the Delta State House of Assembly, and the difference will be clear.
Since 1999 till date, no lawyer has represented Okpe Constituency at the Delta State House of Assembly.
I know that the DTHA is all about legislative business. And I think that a Lawyer will do better.
When I say a Lawyer will do better, I mean the lawyer’s profession is majorly built around the making and the interpretation of the Law.
Executors of the Law can be handled by members of any other profession, but the making and the interpretation of the Law ought to be the prerogative of Lawyers.
We understand that the chief business of the State House of Assembly is the MAKING OF LAW. This is obviously the domain of the Lawyers.
The Lawyers are ardent Initiators of bills. Indefatigable Movers of motions. Relentless Readers of transiting bills, and democratic Voters for bills of significant values through their AYES and NAYS.
Lawyers are the true Legislators, so why look elsewhere when you have got a very sound and vibrant Lawyer in Okpe to do the great Legislative job for the Okpes and Deltans alike?
Our Lawyer, BARR. HERO OMWIRHIREN, is a very sound and vibrant Lawyer. He will represent Okpe qualitatively at the Delta State House of Assembly.
Just like his Principal at the House of Senate, Barr. Hero will show his metos that intelligent, resourceful, vibrant and people-oriented Lawyers are just the right people for the Legislative job.
The stage we are now needs a vibrant progressive Lawyer to represent Okpe Constituency, and who will not just be at the state Legislative House to warm the Okpe Legislative seat, but to be there for core Legislative businesses that will positively affect the common Okpe folks and Deltans at large.