Today, on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024,Hon. Augustine Onyekachukwu Ike Ikedoji KSJI conducted an inspection of the ongoing bank road construction

Today, on Saturday, March 2nd, 2024,Hon. Augustine Onyekachukwu Ike Ikedoji KSJI conducted an inspection of the ongoing bank road construction

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in response to concerns raised by his constituents regarding road blockages.Following constructive discussions, we reached an agreement to temporarily open the road to cyclists. The decision was made after considering the concerns raised by the contractor, who has valid reasons for not allowing cars and trucks on the road at this time.

Assurances were given by the contractor that the construction will be completed before the deadline, and they have pledged to expedite the process. I urge everyone to exercise patience as we work towards the completion of this project.

I commend the continued cooperation between the government of Anambra State, our contractors, and the residents. Any further complaints should be directed through the appropriate channels.

Best regards,

Hon. Augustine Onyekachukwu Ike Ikedoji KSJI Member Representing Nnewi North Constituency Chairman, Youth Development and Sport

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