Tinubu Assures Further Interventions for Christmas, Promises Progress

Tinubu Assures Further Interventions for Christmas, Promises Progress

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President Bola Tinubu conveyed a commitment to implementing additional palliative measures to alleviate the hardships resulting from the discontinuation of petrol subsidies, exchange rate unification, and other economic reforms. In his inaugural Christmas message as President, Tinubu assured Nigerians that his administration would continue to address the challenges faced by the most vulnerable, mitigating current difficulties and alleviating the suffering of the nation’s citizens.

In a personally signed statement released by the State House, President Tinubu acknowledged the significance of Christmas as a special time, particularly for Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. He emphasized the essence of enjoying the company of family, celebrating life, and appreciating the gifts of love and friendship that make life meaningful. Tinubu also recognized that, amidst the festivities, this time of year could be tinged with sadness for some, mourning lost loved ones or grieving unfulfilled hopes and dreams.

Reflecting on the past six months of his administration, marked by transformation and relentless change, Tinubu acknowledged the unique sacrifices demanded by the necessary reforms for a more prosperous and peaceful nation. He urged citizens to hold fast and rest assured of his commitment to govern with vision, dedication, and empathy, guiding the nation towards stability, prosperity, and renewed hope.

Tinubu encouraged Nigerians to embrace the spirit of Christmas, extending kindness to those in need and letting acts of kindness serve as a guiding light into the new year. He also urged citizens to remember and pray for the men and women of the nation’s armed forces, expressing gratitude for their sacrifices in ensuring the safety of the country.

As the country approaches the Armed Forces Remembrance Day on January 15, Tinubu called for collective remembrance of those who paid the highest price for the nation’s service, praying for God’s blessings on their souls and comfort for their families.

In conclusion, President Tinubu extended warm wishes for a merry Christmas to all Nigerians, expressing hope that the light of Christmas would guide the nation as 2023 comes to a close and the new year begins.

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