The Significance of Spiritual Development Explored by the Author

The Significance of Spiritual Development Explored by the Author

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The author emphasizes the crucial role of spiritual development, encompassing a deeper connection with God, revival of faith, rejuvenation of the mind, spiritual discipline, character transformation, and nurturing of the inner life. To attain these objectives, the disciple must purposefully engage in activities such as prayer, studying the Word, praise and worship, meditation, fasting, and aligning oneself with God’s purpose.

Addressing the Role of Community in Discipleship, Ven. Chiadikobi suggests that disciples should actively seek fellowship and support from one another. He states, “Traveling with other believers helps us to grow spiritually and face the challenges and joys of discipleship.” The chapter highlights the diversity within the community, allowing believers to witness God’s work and faithfulness through various giftings and talents that contribute to collective worship, ministry, and service.

In the section on Making Disciples and Spreading the Gospel, the author underscores the imperative of sharing the Gospel, which brings the good news of God’s love, grace, and redemption through Jesus Christ. The believer is urged to grasp the fundamental truth of the Gospel, acknowledging the separation of humanity from God due to sin, and understanding that Jesus, through His perfect life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection, reconciled humanity to God.

The author emphasizes intentional evangelism as a crucial component of multiplying disciples, reaching out to those who have not heard or accepted the Gospel. Building relationships is deemed essential in this process, urging believers to invest time and energy in fostering genuine connections with those they seek to reach. Ven. Chiadikobi asserts, “Discipling others is a critical step in the process of multiplying disciples,” emphasizing the importance of equipping believers with knowledge, skills, and character to guide others on their spiritual journey. This includes teaching them to study scriptures, modeling a life of faith, and encouraging spiritual practices like prayers, worship, and service.

Stay tuned for the second and final part of this review.

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