Nigerian Troops eliminate dreaded Boko Haram Commander, Abu Asad

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The Nigerian Military has eliminated dreaded Boko Haram Commander, Abu Asad alongside several members of the sect in an Airstrike on Friday.

Abu Asad and other terrorists in a meeting shortly before the Airstrike
This was revealed in a statement on Saturday signed by the director of Public relations, Nigerian Airforce, Commodore Edward Gabkwet. The Statement read;

“In what could be described as arguably one of the most successful strikes undertaken by the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai, Nigerian Air Force (NAF) aircraft, on 24 November 2023, carried out air strikes on a massing of terrorists in an isolated location consisting of 3 zinced structures amid several trees. From the footage, it was evident that the terrorists were massing up at the location for either a well-planned meeting or preparing for a major attack on own troops.”

“Over 100 heavily armed terrorists were observed throwing banters and moving randomly around the structures which also had 4 troop carriers. The aftermath of the air strike revealed that 2 out of the 3 structures, as well as the entire troop carriers were destroyed. There were also indications that one Abu Asad, a key figure in the Ali Ngulde group under Boko Haram, and several of his fighters were among the several terrorists eliminated in the air strike.”

“The Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar has since commended the Air Component Commander and his men while urging them to continue to synergize with the Land Component as they maintain the momentum in, “keeping the terrorists on their toes.”

According to him, “We must continue to justify the trust and confident the Federal Government and our people have bestowed on us by ensuring that we go all out in making life unbearable for these terrorists and criminals until they surrender or are completely eliminated.”

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