NCAA Temporarily Revokes Mattini Airline's Non-Commercial Flight Permit Following Ibadan Jet Crash-Landing

NCAA Temporarily Revokes Mattini Airline’s Non-Commercial Flight Permit Following Ibadan Jet Crash-Landing

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The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has taken swift action by immediately suspending the Permit for Non-Commercial Flights (PNCF) of Mattini Airline Services Limited. This decision comes in the aftermath of a runway excursion incident involving a Challenger CL 601 aircraft, bearing registration marks N580KR, operated by Mattini Airline Services Limited at Ibadan Airport on January 26, 2024.

NCAA confirmed that Mattini Airline Services Limited currently possesses a valid Permit for Non-Commercial Flights. The suspension aligns with Section 32 (4) of the Civil Aviation Act 2022.

Simultaneously, the Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB) has launched a comprehensive investigation into the incident, adhering to statutory provisions. While the NSIB focuses on safety aspects, NCAA has initiated an economic inquiry into the aircraft’s operation, examining its compliance with the terms and conditions outlined in the PNCF’s Annexure.

NCAA emphasized that the suspension will remain in effect until it is determined that Mattini Airline Services Limited has fully adhered to the conditions of the PNCF. Additionally, a broader safety and economic audit of all private jet operations in Nigeria has been instigated by NCAA.

Despite these measures, NCAA reassured the traveling public of its unwavering commitment to safety and the promotion of global best practices within the aviation industry.

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