Military Airstrikes Eliminate Terrorists in Borno State

Military Airstrikes Eliminate Terrorists in Borno State

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Between January 2 and 6, troops of Operation Hadin Kai conducted successful operations resulting in the elimination of several terrorists in various areas of Borno State. The operations, near the Sambisa Forest, targeted terrorists suspected of transporting arms and ammunition to the region.

In a statement released on Sunday, Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, the Director of Public Relations and Information for the Nigerian Air Force, reported that the terrorists and their weaponry were effectively neutralized through airstrikes. A total of 12 terrorists were confirmed killed during the operation.

The statement explained, “The convergence of terrorists within the location raised suspicion of their intent and plan, hence, the directive to strike the location. The aftermath of the strikes led to a huge ball of flames from two adjacent spots within the vicinity, while some surviving terrorists were observed scampering for safety.”

Gabkwet emphasized that the strikes not only resulted in the elimination of 12 terrorists but also destroyed their logistics, thereby degrading their capability to target soft targets and engage their own troops.

Furthermore, based on intelligence reports, troops conducted an operation in the Lake Chad region, leading to the death of additional terrorists and the destruction of their vehicles and motorcycles. Similar precision strikes occurred about 1.5km South-West of Tumbun Agiri within the Tumbuns in the Lake Chad region on January 6, 2024. These strikes targeted the continuous gathering of armed terrorists in pick-up vehicles and motorcycles, resulting in the destruction of vehicles, motorcycles, and the elimination of several terrorists, according to the statement.

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