How Army Drone Nearly Collided With NAF Jet In Kaduna

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The drone strike that killed over 100 innocent civilian villagers from Tundun Biri in Kaduna State during a Muslim religious celebration has continued to draw condemnation.

Many security experts have questioned the capacity of the military to efficiently deploy unmanned aerial vehicles ( UAV) in the fight against insurgency.

While some Nigerians have continued to make desperate efforts to paint a religious coloration to the unfortunate incident, Leadership Weekend disclosed that the victims were of both Christian and Muslim faiths contrary to insinuations.

Military sources also revealed that a Nigerian military UAV had almost collided midair with a Nigerian Air Force aircraft in the air field in Kaduna.

The source said the drone crew sometimes threw caution to the wind in an attempt to get to the target.

A military veteran, Col Hassan Stan-Labo (rtd) told the platform that the drone strike is unfortunate and disturbing.

He however said, “drone strikes, just like conventional air combat strikes, could come with some human errors resulting in collateral damages or outright target miss.

“Speaking professionally, incidents of this nature are likely occurrences in battle fronts.

“I witnessed it in Sierra-Leone, Liberia and The Darfur. As we speak, it is ongoing in the Russian-Ukraine war and The Israeli-Gaza war.

“Terrorists today get embedded with civilians in hospitals, worship places, schools, etc in a bid to evade firepower.

“The rate of occurrence can be highly reduced (not eliminated) through continuous training which the military is well noted for.”

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