Federal Government and Governors Agree to Implement State Police

Federal Government and Governors Agree to Implement State Police

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In a groundbreaking development, the federal government and governors from all 36 states of Nigeria have reached a historic agreement to establish state police, aiming to tackle the nation’s pressing security challenges effectively.

This consensus was reached during an urgent meeting convened by President Bola Tinubu with the state governors at the presidential villa in Abuja on Thursday. Vice President Kashim Shettima also participated in the meeting, which underscored the gravity of the security situation in the country.

Addressing the media after the meeting, Minister Mohammed revealed that both federal and state governments are actively considering the establishment of state police. While acknowledging the necessity of this move, he emphasized that further discussions and planning are required to finalize the modalities for implementing state police effectively.

The meeting also recognized the improved security situation in various parts of the country, including areas where farmers have resumed agricultural activities following previous insecurity concerns. To bolster security efforts, there was a consensus on the need to enhance the capacity of forest rangers and provide adequate training to safeguard farms and borders.

Moreover, the issue of food security was extensively deliberated upon during the meeting. A committee has been established to synthesize the outcomes of the discussions, and President Tinubu directed key security agencies to collaborate with state governors to address food hoarding and ensure food availability across the nation.

In a significant policy shift, the government reaffirmed its commitment to prioritizing local food production over imports, aiming to consolidate the gains made in the agricultural sector. President Tinubu emphasized the importance of continuous investment in agriculture to sustain food availability and reduce dependency on imports.

The meeting concluded with a resolution to establish a joint program between the federal government and state administrations to address youth unemployment, demonstrating a unified commitment to national development and prosperity.

In summary, the consensus reached between the federal government and state governors reflects a shared determination to address pressing national issues collaboratively. Moving forward, continuous engagement and coordination between all levels of government will be prioritized to ensure Nigeria’s peace, unity, and prosperity.

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