Enugu College of Education Faces Anxiety After Dismissal of 95 Employees

Enugu College of Education Faces Anxiety After Dismissal of 95 Employees

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Tension has gripped Enugu College of Education following the dismissal of 95 employees. The news was conveyed to the affected staff on Tuesday by the College’s Registrar, Pat Aneke.

According to reports from an attendee of the meeting, the layoffs were attributed to alleged irregularities in the employment of the staff, who had served for a tenure of three years.

An anonymous worker, as reported by Daily Post, expressed the high tension within the institution after the termination of 95 staff members, comprising both academic and non-academic personnel hired in 2021.

This decision was made by a government implementation committee based on recommendations from a previous investigative committee.

The official letters announcing the terminations were distributed on Wednesday, causing shock and dismay among the staff.

This development comes amidst economic challenges and months of unpaid salaries, further burdening employees in a nation grappling with economic instability and hyperinflation.

Describing the layoffs as unjust, a worker highlighted the anguish of dedicated employees now facing unemployment after three years of service.

Seeking intervention, an impacted worker appealed for support from Governor Peter Mbah, stressing the dire situation faced by those affected, many of whom are breadwinners for their families. They urged the government to reconsider its decision, asking Governor Mbah to consider the country’s economic difficulties and halt the actions of the implementation committee.

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