Anambra Government Issues Apology for Mistaken Identity in Tanya Okpala Story

Anambra Government Issues Apology for Mistaken Identity in Tanya Okpala Story

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The Anambra State Government has issued a formal apology and expressed regret for the inadvertent error in initially referring to the recently rescued individual as Jacqueline Okwueze instead of Tanya Okpala.

Several days ago, Tanya Okpala, a former Nigerian tennis champion, was spotted on the streets of Awka and mistakenly identified as Jacqueline Okwueze across various social media platforms. In response to public appeals for assistance, the Anambra State Government located and took Tanya Okpala into custody for proper care.

Acknowledging the mistake, the State Government admitted to the initial misidentification and promptly corrected the information to accurately reflect Tanya Okpala’s identity, retracting the reference to Jacqueline Okwueze.

The error stemmed from a case of mistaken identity, as it was based on a resemblance to the same name presented to the State as the individual in question. The government immediately removed the incorrect publication upon realizing the true identity and replaced it with the accurate information, identifying the lady as Tanya Okpala.

In an official statement, the State Government expressed its apologies to Jacqueline Okwueze for any confusion caused by the anomaly.

Signed, Christian Aburime Press Secretary to the Governor of Anambra State January 30, 2024

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