Owelle Mbaso As An Unrepentant Mercenary. By Chinedu Obigwe –

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Re – Ojukwu: APGA can’t deceive us again, ifeanyi Ubah is people’s choice – Owelle Mbaso.

What I like about the above referred news report is that Owelle Mbaso used his own hands to unmask himself as an unrepentant mercenary.

I will not mince words to tell the general public that someone like Owelle Mbaso that was described as a mercenary by Fmr Governor Obiano that is his former boss does not have the moral grounds to criticise APGA leaders.

He makes noise for his bread to be buttered and that is taking selfishness to the highest level.

Let me refresh my readers memory on what made Owelle Mbaso to unmask himself as an unrepentant mercenary and go haywire against Governor Soludo and APGA leaders.

When Governor Soludo came into office, he decided to cut down the cost of governance and to implement his decision, he did not share political appointments like Father Christmas to many people.

Mercenary like Owelle Mbaso was affected and he formed a rebel group that he tagged Anambra State Former Political appointees class of 2014 to 2022.

Funny enough, when this group was formed and Owelle started parading himself as their leader, Fmr Governor Obiano that is the boss of all the former appointees rejected Owelle parade of himself as their leader.

He boldly told Owelle Mbaso that he is a mercenary that cannot be trusted and for that reason that he cannot lead his former appointees.

What Fmr Governor Obiano that is Owelle Mbaso former boss said against him has turned out to be the straw that broke the camel’s back
and unfolding events have vindicated Obiano.

The unrepentant mercenary called Owelle Mbaso used agitation for payment of severance allowance to deceive some of the gullible minded former appointees into dancing the tune of his music.

He ended up using them to secure appointment as a senior legislative aide to the current Senate President through the help of the clueless Ifeanyi Ubah that was using him as his mercenary in APGA.

It was after his appointment as Senior legislative aide to the Senate President that he decided to unmask himself.

He did that late because APGA leaders know him very well as an unrepentant mercenary and kept him at an arms length.

He was properly checkmated by APGA leaders and whatever he is doing today against APGA is pouring water on a stone.

Owelle Mbaso has unveiled himself as someone that is among those hatching the evil plots of bringing a cursed Ifeanyi Ubah on our beloved state as Governor but their evil wish and plan is dead on arrival.

As for Owelle Mbaso claim that Governor Soludo has consistently disparaged Ojukwu’s name and removed his image from party materials, it is a lie from the pit of hell.

If what he is saying is true, Her Excellency Iyom Bianca Ojukwu will be the first person to raise alarm and distance herself from Governor Soludo administration.

But as I pen down this reaction Her Excellency Iyom Bianca Ojukwu is the number 1 supporter of Governor Soludo administration and she is playing crucial roles in his government.

I will not forget to advise APGA leadership to get ready to wield the big stick against any party faithful that attends the meeting being summoned by Owelle Mbaso at Ifeanyinyi Ubah residence in Nnewi.

He is calling the meeting for Ifeanyi Ubah on the platform of Anambra State Former Political appointees class of 2014 to 2022.

The meeting is expected to hold on 30th and 29th June 2024.

To the best of my knowledge, those that worked for former Governor Obiano that is APGA BOT Chairman are members of APGA and they are not supposed to attend political meeting at Ifeanyi Ubah’s residence.

APGA must do the needful of sacking any member of the party that is seen in that gathering being summoned by the unrepentant mercenary called Owelle Mbaso at Ifeanyi Ubah’s residence.

They can work against APGA as members of opposition party and not as members of APGA.

I have no doubt in my mind that the manifestation of the already foreseen defeat of Ifeanyi Ubah by Governor Soludo in 2025 governorship election will humble Owelle Mbaso and make him to bury his head in shame.

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