Joint Task Force uncovers 14 illicit oil refining sites in Rivers State

Joint Task Force uncovers 14 illicit oil refining sites in Rivers State

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Rear Adm. John Okeke, Commander of the Joint Task Force, Operation Delta Safe, has announced the discovery of 14 illegal crude oil refining sites in Rivers State.

The sites, situated on Ataba Island near Bonny Island, were identified through intelligence gathering and will be demolished, according to Okeke.

Although no arrests have been made yet, Okeke emphasized the joint effort of various security agencies to prevent the Niger Delta from becoming a safe haven for criminal activities.

“We are collaborating with the Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, NSCDS, the DIA, and others to make the region inhospitable for criminals,” he stated.

During a visit to the location, Okeke revealed the shocking discovery of 14 significant refining sites, with one still active. He underscored the commitment of Operation Delta Safe to continue surveillance and combat economic sabotage in the area.

“I urge those involved in illegal activities to pursue legitimate ventures. Those engaged in pipeline vandalism and illegal bunkering will face the full force of the law,” Okeke warned.

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