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By Don Peter Okoro.

Archbishop Prof. Emma David Okafoagu JP 2. is the Apostle of New Covenant Mission and presiding Archbishop of Masterseed College of Bishops and Ministerial Network USA and Nigeria. He is equally the Obi of Umuezechukwu Uruagu– Nnewi, Anambra State.

He spoke with this Reporter last Sunday after his Church’s service where he touched on some topical issues bothering the Nation, State and his hometown of Nnewi. Asked why he think the President did not address the Nation on Democracy Day as is the custom, he replied flatly that it’s simply because the President has nothing to hold onto.

That in all Sectors and Circumstances of Government, this regime has nothing to hold onto. Elaborating further, he said:. “” The only light in the tunnel is Jesus through God. There’s no other way. If Nigerians were hoping on Government, by now, they would have all died.

There are very strong Faiths in Nigeria. The Moslems have their faith and they are strong on it. The Christians have their faith and they are strong on it. The Traditionalists have their faith, the Ogboni people have their faith. There are so many Faiths in Nigeria which are keeping the people, not Government.””

On whether it’s right for Anambra State Government to conduct Local Government election now when the Governorship election is just around the corner, he replied:”” What people should understand is that if Governor Soludo successfully conducts Local Government election, he becomes a Hero.”” Asked to assess the tenure of Soludo so far, he submitted. “”Soludo is working, I’m not his fan or Spokesman, but I know he’s working. Soludo is doing wonderfully well. Do you know that for over 3years before Soludo came, Anambra State had ran out of roads? About 2 years ago, places like Nnewi, Onitsha,Ekwulobia and many rural areas had no roads? Government is all about Water, Road and Light.

Then coming to security, the enemies within and outside Anambra State want Anambra to be like Imo State. I don’t know where the man draws the strength to bring the security situation in Anambra State under. control. “” As a Religious and Traditional Leader, he was asked on his take about the brewing crisis in Nnewi concerning the Obi Uruagu giving out Chieftaincy Titles and answering His Highness and being reported to the Governor by the Igwe’s Palace, he answered:”” I expect the people who are prompting to takeover the leadership from Igwe Nnewi, from Obi Uruagu,. from Obi,Umudim and from Obi Nnewichi to follow the good example of the living Igwe.

I know for sure that he may not have been consulted before that Letter was written to the Governor. Secondly, if not that they think they know more than others, they would have consulted widely before writing such a Letter to the Governor. They should have consulted the Clergy. Nnewi has a good number of reputable Clergies. I’m here in Nnewi.

The Anglican Bishop of Ogbaru is from Nnewi. So many powerful Native Doctors are from Nnewi. It could be the devil that pushed them to write that Letter to the Governor, because I know they did not enquire very well before writing that petition.”” The Archbishop who admitted being in possession of the Letter said:. “”They did not consult we the Prophets. They think everything is based on intellectualism and common sense. I think it’s the devil that is bringing this fire and they should come back so that we can quench the fire. “” On his message to the people of Nnewi, he pointed out:””Nnewi has always maintained the lead. Nnewi doesn’t compete with any neighbouring town.

Not in terms of finance, not in terms of industry. My message is that these people that want to rule Nnewi by all means overnight should come back and consult us so that we can cast out the devil that is pushing them to scatter Nnewi.””

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