HONOURABLE MEMBER WRITES MR. PRESIDENT: Call For Creation Of The 6th State In The Southeast.

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By Don Peter Okoro.

The Honourable Member Representing Nnewi North Constituency in the Anambra South House of Assembly Hon. Sir Augustine Onyekachukwu Ike, has addressed an Open Letter to the President of Nigeria demanding for the creation of a 6th State for the South East.

First of all greeting the President and wishing him the Compliments of the Season, the Honourable explained that the Eid al– Adha is known as the “Feast of Sacrifice”, further stating that:”Eid al–Adha commemorates the Quaranic tale of Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God.

Thus, no other time is better to bring this request before you and the leadership of the National Assembly.” Hon.Sir Onyekachukwu Ike pointed out that the arguments for the 6th State to be created in the South East Geo-political Zone are not only compelling, but are grounded in history. In his words:” In the very essence of democracy is the need to strike a balance.

If Nigeria is founded on 6 Geo-political Zones and each of the 6 geopolitical zones has 6 States, it is then equitable that every Geo-political Zone must have 6 States.

Thus, Nigeria cannot on grounds of good logic be said to have 6 geopolitical zones until Mr. President accents to the Proposal to create the 6th State in the South East in the spirit of equity and fairness.”

Continuing, he observed:”The Southeast is a very historical region in Nigeria and memories of the good days in Nigeria is rooted in Ojukwu’s Family: Lord Lous Phillip Odumegwu Ojukwu who hosted the Queen Of England. And his son who embraced the Military was of great service, both to his region and Nigeria in general, thus naming such a state as Ikemba State with the headquarters in Nnewi will tranquilize all agitations in the South East.”

He further posited that: “The Ikemba State will serve as another economic hub in Nigeria and a pilot State towards a New Nigeria,hence, the need for the capital to be in Nnewi North LGA is beyond historical reason.”. Buttressing his points further, Hon. Sir,

Augustine Onyekachukwu Ike said:”Mr. President, reminding you that the Southeast Geo-political Zone is supposed to have a total of 18 Senators and not the 15 as the case is at present, is analogous to telling one the need to eat balanced diet.

It cannot be overemphasized. The only way to fill this vacuum is to prioritize the creation of the remaining State in the Southeast Zone within one year.”

He concluded by stating that:”The 6th Southeast State is already a manufacturing and trading hub in the Southeast and will provide Nigeria with alternative revenue to Oil and may become the China of Nigeria if properly harnessed. Mr. President, I need not remind you that prioritizing this Proposal will make you the greatest President in the history of Nigeria and posterity will not forget you.” He finally urged the President to treat the Proposal as a need and not a want.

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