Causes of miscarriage in women

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According to Medicalnewstoday, one of the most frequent issues relating to early pregnancy is miscarriage. Sadly, miscarriage occurs in about 25% of pregnancies.

The majority of miscarriages happen in the early stages of pregnancy. Most miscarriages, according to estimates, occur before week 12. A woman may experience a miscarriage before becoming pregnant.

Miscarriage can be a very traumatic and devastating experience while being very frequent.

There are many different causes of miscarriage. These include:

1. Placental problem:

If the placenta develops abnormally, the mother’s blood supply to the unborn child is cut off.

2. Chromosome problems:

A foetus may occasionally receive the incorrect amount of chromosomes, leading to improper foetal development. First-trimester miscarriages are primarily caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus.

3. Womb structure abnormalities:

A developing foetus may be in danger due to abnormally shaped wombs and the growth of fibroids (non-cancerous growths) in the womb.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):

which occurs when the ovaries are  large leading to a hormonal imbalance.

5. Weakened cervix:

The womb’s neck is known as the cervix. A miscarriage might occur if the cervix’s muscles are weak and they open up too early during pregnancy.

6. Lifestyle habits:

Habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs can cause miscarriage.

7. Being overweight or underweight:

Obesity is known to increase the risk of both the initial miscarriage and subsequent ones.

Before conception, a low body mass index raises a woman’s risk of miscarriage.

72% of women were overweight or obese, according to data published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

They were more likely to miscarry during the first three months of pregnancy than women whose weight was healthy.

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