Ozigbo Endorses LP Lawmakers' Plea for FG, Governors to Prioritize Hunger and Insecurity Over Projects

Ozigbo Endorses LP Lawmakers’ Plea for FG, Governors to Prioritize Hunger and Insecurity Over Projects

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Val Ozigbo, a former gubernatorial candidate of the People’s Democratic Party who now aligns with the Labour Party, has thrown his support behind the recent call made by the party’s caucus in the Anambra State House of Assembly. The caucus, comprising eight lawmakers, voiced their concerns during a press conference, highlighting the prevalent hardships and insecurity plaguing the nation.

In echoing the sentiments of the lawmakers, Ozigbo stated, “I stand with the LP inner caucus of the Anambra State House of Assembly in urging governments at all levels to address the urgent needs of the people, particularly hunger and insecurity.”

He emphasized the timeliness of the call, noting the acute suffering endured by citizens due to policies that fail to address immediate challenges. Ozigbo wholeheartedly endorsed the caucus’s statement, affirming, “The current plight of our people has escalated from poverty to severe hunger, compounded by a distressing decline in security.”

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