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By Don Peter Okoro.

It was a multiple Celebration at the wave making Holy Ghost New Life International Church located at No.47, Ezemewi Rd, By Old Ibeto Junction, Near Teaching Hospital, Nnewi Anambra State Nigeria, penultimate Sunday, when the Church had a three in one Service.

It was a time for the 3rd Anniversary, The Dedication of four Babies including that of the Presiding Bishop, His Excellency, Rt. Rev. Ozioma Festus Ozoemena Ph.D. and a Thanksgiving Service. The Anniversary had Bishop Alexander Adu Gwamfy from New York USA and Rev. Dr. Johnson U. Johnny as the main Guest Speakers. The program has as it’s Theme:”GOD HAS SHOWN US MERCY.” Speaking to the Press shortly after the event, the Presiding Bishop has this to say on the significance of the tripartite Celebration:”The Bible says that children are gifts and blessings from God and whenever God blesses us with children,we should be grateful to Him.

As you could see, in the history of Holy Ghost New Life International Church that is having her 3rd Anniversary today, God has flavoured and coloured it the blessing. Four children were brought to the church for Dedication today. This explains the Theme of this Year’s Convention that says:”God Has Shown Us Mercy.” It’s all about the mercy of God and it’s all about increase and multiplication.

God is set to increase us as a church and to increase everyone that is a part of this commission. These are the things we are celebrating as we dedicate these children today to the glory of God.”

On the key milestones that he would like to highlight, he answered: “God has really used this Commission to affect lives and better the second, as well as minister to the community.

This Church has been a blessing to the people in this part of the world. Even the Traditional Ruler of this Ancient Kingdom of Nnewi, HRH Igwe Dr KON Orizu was here with his wife about a year ago. As you can see, people are very happy. Some of these people were healed of incurable diseases, few were raised from the dead and brought back to life, some were lifted from the dunghill to places of blessings, those who were abandoned by their own people were reconciled and rehabilitated.

Lives have been transformed and as you can see, they are now Believers and happy people, serving God in Spirit and in Truth in view of eternity. What God is doing here speaks volumes.

We don’t speak for God, but God speaks for Himself,” On what he would like the attendees to take back home, he replied:”What I want them to take home is that the Theme of this Convention was given to me by God. God showed me what He has done.

And I said, what else do I have to say? I said:”You have shown us mercy” and in appreciation of the mercy that God has shown us,we are set for a new season.

I want to let everyone who has participated in this glorious event to know that he or she is going home with every assurance that God has shown him or her mercy and this is the dawn of a new season for everyone.”

On the presence of men of God from different countries, he replied:”That is the doing of the Lord. This Holy Ghost Church is an International Church. It is Registered with the Federal Government of Nigeria as an International Church. One of the Guest Speakers today came all the way from New York, the United States of America and some others from Ghana and other parts of the world and Nigeria. That tells you that the mantle that God has given to us is a global mantle. The mandate of this Church is a global mission, just like Jesus who came for the whole world. This Church is here to serve this generation and to serve the whole world.” Asked to compare this convention and the previous ones, he opined:”This is the first time God is giving us the Theme: “God Has Shown Us Mercy” This is a distinguishing factor and a game changer and the fact that among the Speakers are Internationally acclaimed Preachers of the Gospel coming to participate makes it exceptional, added to the Dedication of four Babies in one Service is just amazing!.” The Bishop who just came back from the United States was asked of the message he brought back and he offered:” I came back from America with the message of hope. I pray for my state and I pray for my country. I have prayed that God will help the Governor of my state and all those who are saddled with the governance of this state, that God will give them divine wisdom and divine direction and that He will give them all it takes including favour so that all they put their minds to do for the people of this state will be actualized. Beginning from the Governor himself,Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo and his cabinet, the Judiciary and the legislature and every other person who is part of the governance of this state.I wish them well and I pray that the Lord God Almighty will take them to the pinnacle of dispensing good governance for the prosperity and livability of our prosperous homeland of Anambra State and by extension Nigeria. And I pray that Nigeria shall be great again. I got to America and I saw things for myself and I said why not us? So from America I started praying for Nigeria and as I have come back with power and fresh anointing, I pray that God who did it for America will do it for Nigeria and that God will make this country called Nigeria great again for the prosperity of all.” Also speaking, Bishop’s wife,Rev. Mrs. Happiness Ozoemena popularly known as Mummy G. said that she is very happy and elated by the events of the day. According to her:”I am very happy, more than happy. If you break my heart now, you will see that I’m very very happy and my name is Happiness.” On her message to the parents of the new babies, she offered:”One thing is God giving us children and another thing is us raising them in the way of God, because so many people God gave the privilege of having children do take it for granted. The word of advice I’m giving to parents is that God who gave us children to guard must be honoured by guiding the children in the right direction. If you don’t channel your children in the way of the Lord, I don’t think their coming to this world is of any importance. The most important thing is to channel your children in the way of the Lord, when you do that, you are sure of a bright future and eternity for them and heaven will rejoice for you. But when we don’t perform our duties as parents, the children will be channeled in the way of Satan and this is not the reason why God gave us those children.” Asked to assess the program, she replied:”It is awesome, more than awesome. You could see and feel the glory everywhere. It was really wonderful.” After the ceremony, Members and Invited Guests were treated to sumptous meal and soft drinks.

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