Effects Of Curry Leaves On The Body

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Curry leaves or sweet neem leaves are extensively used in India for culinary and medicinal purposes.

They are small green leaves with a unique flavor and aroma. They are widely used as a seasoning in South Indian dishes like sambhar, rasam, and chutney.

According to Healthline“, Curry leaves protect our hearts by preventing oxidative damage.

Consumption of Curry leaves also decreases cholesterol levels. It also reduces the level of triglycerides.

Reduction in risk factors thus helps in protecting us from heart diseases. Below is the effect of curry on the body.

May reduce the risk of cancer

Curry leaves have anti-mutagenic potential. They protect our bodies from different types of cancers.

Flavonoids in Curry leaves act as anti-cancer agents. They are effective in inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells.

Curry leaves also protect the body from colon cancers. Curry leaves are also beneficial in protecting our bodies from cervical cancer.

Helps in the management of diabetes

Consumption of Curry leaves helps in the management of diabetes and its related complications. Curry leaves were found to be highly effective in reducing blood glucose levels.

Curry leaves are rich in fiber which slows down digestion, thus preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels in our blood.

They also boost the activity of insulin, further helping patients with diabetes. You can take a look at the Diabetes Food Chart to find other foods that can be included in your Diabetic Diet Plan.

Reduces risk of heart diseases

Curry leaves protect our hearts by preventing oxidative damage. Consumption of Curry leaves also decreases cholesterol levels. It also reduces the level of triglycerides.

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